I was trapped in The Apple logo is launched on the screen. I have since been told that this case is inherent to a failing hard drive. 'A few weeks ago, I realized that whenever I let the iMac Pro sleep for more than a few hours, it always crashes and restarts. Any tips or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.' What is the cheapest and/or easiest way to retrieve my data? Is there any software or good way to extract files from my dead MacBook Pro? I want to retrieve files in some way and put them on an external hard drive.
I heard that when I got a MacBook Pro, I could put this drive into a new MBP. I almost gave up on recovering the Mac, but I really need the important things above it, such as photos and document files. The screen stays black, the front lights are different, and I think it's a bit in and out.
When I turned it on, it didn't start properly, it just sounded different. 'My MacBook Pro crashed almost a year ago.